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The AMS (Air Management System) by SMC: The Next Era of Air Prep

Michael Schapoehler
Posted by Michael Schapoehler on Jun 1, 2023 3:19:05 PM
The AMS (Air Management System) by SMC: The Next Era of Air Prep

Editor’s Note: This blog post has been updated in July 2024 (originally published in June 2023) for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

During the summer heat, industrial manufacturing equipment often works under more stress, which can reduce its efficiency and lifespan. By integrating solutions like the Air Management System (AMS) by SMC, you can transform how you conserve energy and optimize compressed air systems. Helping mitigate some of the impacts of heat, it's providing unprecedented energy savings (30% - 50% on average) and cost savings (ROI is typically achieved in just 14 months). In this blog post, we will explore the AMS and cover what it does, who it is meant for, and how it sets itself apart from traditional air preparation systems.



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What's the AMS | Pain Points | Predictive Capabilities

Ideal Users | Green Incentives | Models | Request a Demo | Summary 


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Video Highlights: 

We caught up with Nathan Eisel, CMSE and National Product Development Manager from SMC at AUTOMATE 2024 in Chicago. He walked us through the SMC booth, highlighting the Air Management System (AMS), Part of SMC's highly acclaimed Dash D product family. This product stands out with its impressive benefits, particularly in sustainability, condition-based maintenance, and digitalization.



What is the Air Management System (AMS)?

AMS by SMC 1

The AMS (Air Management System) by SMC is a pneumatic device that automatically regulates and isolates the compressed air provided to a machine to improve efficiencies during periods of inactivity. The unit gathers critical data like air pressure, flow, and temperature. With these data points, the AMS can characterize normal operating conditions, identify trends, and draw comparisons to enable predictive maintenance actions to maintain optimal system performance. The unit does not require reprogramming the user's PLC to operate, making integration simple and cost-effective.

Furthermore, the AMS brings air prep into the digital age, allowing users to achieve 30% - 50% energy savings compared to traditional systems.  With the AMS, return on investment is typically achieved in just 14 months, making it a compelling choice for those seeking both short-term benefits and long-term cost savings.



What Pain Points Does the AMS Solve?

The AMS addresses several pain points that compressed-air users commonly encounter:


1. Reduces the Cost of Air Leaks

Diving into the sustainability aspect, the air management system demonstrates active sustainability measuring and does wonders in system pressure management. The technology is reliable - when the machinery moves to a standby state, the system pressure is adjusted, dropping from the standard operating pressure of 80 psi to a 40 psi resting pressure. This operation does not deplete the entire system but rather reduces the pressure. The outcome? We have the system's air leakage cut in half without altering any machinery processes or PLC codes.

2. Lack of System Visibility and Communication

A common challenge for users is managing their compressed air systems with limited visibility and control. Fortunately, with the AMS, users can easily track important parameters such as air pressure, temperature, and flow rates, which empowers users to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to optimize their systems.

Instead of scattering sensors and data transmission around the machine, this AMS centralizes it, allowing a single access point that sends all the necessary information upstream via different platforms like EtherCAT, ProfiNet, and EtherNet/IP. The AMS is compatible with OPC UA. Meet OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture), a software crucial for enhancing condition-based maintenance by improving the monitoring and management of equipment conditions. With a direct linkage to a Scada and PLC platform, the system not only enables us to monitor the pneumatic side of our machinery but also offers a proactive approach to maintenance. Think of it as a ‘check engine’ light, signaling the need for attention before causing unscheduled downtime.

AMS visualization

3. Labor & Wiring Time

The AMS by SMC tackles the pain point of reducing labor and wiring time by offering a wireless connection with an impressive range of up to 100 meters. With the ability to connect up to 10 remote units wirelessly, the AMS simplifies installation and eliminates the need for extensive wiring, saving valuable time and resources. 


4. Inefficient Energy Consumption

Conventional air preparation systems may waste energy because of irregular pressure levels and excessive air usage. Thanks to the AMS, users can increase energy efficiency by monitoring and regulating air pressure and flow rates, resulting in substantial savings. 

5. Reactive Maintenance Issues

Dealing with issues only after they cause system disruptions, known as reactive maintenance, can result in unplanned downtime and expensive emergency repairs. Fortunately, the AMS facilitates predictive maintenance by gathering real-time data, analyzing it, and delivering insights into possible problems (like excess air flow, high temperatures, and extreme pressures). Users can schedule maintenance activities in an organized manner, reducing downtime and streamlining maintenance resources.

6. Air Compressor Strain

By dynamically regulating air flow and implementing operating limits, the AMS reduces the load on the compressor, preventing excessive strain and contributing to increased longevity.

7. Scalability

Lastly, we can't forget its scalability, allowing extensive physical installations. A singular base can have up to ten remotes situated as far as 100 meters away. All the information is funneled back to one central base, making integration easier.


The Predictive Advantage of the AMS

The AMS is a powerful tool that enables predictive maintenance for compressed air systems. Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach that utilizes real-time data and advanced analytics to predict and prevent equipment failures, optimize system performance, and reduce unplanned downtime.

The AMS achieves predictive maintenance capabilities through its integrated digitization features. The system continuously collects data on key parameters such as air pressure, temperature, and flow rates. This real-time data can then be analyzed to detect any deviations from optimal performance or early signs of potential issues. By predicting when components might fail or require servicing, maintenance activities can be scheduled in a planned and controlled manner, minimizing unplanned downtime and costly emergency repairs.

The video above demonstrates how the AMS collects and communicates data to a PLC, other servers, and/or to the cloud through various communication protocols, including EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, or Profinet.


The AMS acts as a universal translator, collecting important data on your pneumatic lines and translating them through various communication protocols. The AMS is available wired or wireless and is IO-Link compatible. With unlimited visibility into your pneumatic system's critical parameters, users can identify anomalies, diagnose potential problems, and take proactive measures before they escalate into significant failures.

The AMS enables predictive maintenance and contributes to energy savings. By monitoring and controlling air pressure and flow rates, the system ensures that compressed air is used efficiently, reducing energy consumption and associated costs.

Who Would See Advantages From the AMS?

1. Compressed Air Users

The AMS is suitable for a wide range of users. Facilities and plants that rely on compressed air systems, regardless of their industry, can significantly benefit from this innovative solution. 

2. OEMs

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) aiming to develop environmentally friendly machines can leverage the AMS to create sustainable solutions for their customers. Using the AMS, an OEM's next machine model can be a green machine.

3. Continuous Improvement & Maintenance Leaders

These users are usually seeking improved energy efficiency and reduced maintenance costs, and would find the AMS to be an invaluable asset.


Energy Efficiency Incentives & Rebate Programs

By utilizing the AMS, you may be eligible for environmental government rebate programs as an additional monetary incentive. Many governments and regulatory bodies worldwide actively promote energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Government rebate programs reward businesses that invest in energy-efficient technologies like the AMS, offering financial benefits that can further enhance the return on investment for your air preparation system. Take advantage of these opportunities to not only optimize your compressed air system but also reap the rewards of government support and incentives for your commitment to sustainability.


Choosing a Model

The AMS by SMC is available in four different models, providing flexibility and options for various application needs. The AMS20, AMS30, AMS40, and AMS60 series offer a range of capacities: small-scale setup (AMS20), a large industrial operation (AMS60), and everything in between, The availability of different sizes allow users to choose the most appropriate AMS model for their application, ensuring optimal air management and system efficiency. 


A Standout Solution

The AMS has set a new benchmark for air preparation, making it the first of its kind in the market. SMC, leveraging its vast experience and knowledge, has once again pushed the boundaries of pneumatic technology, offering a comprehensive and efficient solution to meet the air preparation demands of the industry.



The AMS by SMC is a revolutionary air management system that simplifies air preparation, enables predictive maintenance, and delivers substantial energy savings. Its advanced data collection and digitization can provide real-time insights, allowing for proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime. 

Want more information or need help configuring your order? Contact us online or ask a question in the comments!

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Topics: Pneumatics, Product Spotlights, SMC, Video

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