At AUTOMATE 2024, we were on the floor checking out the latest and greatest technologies our vendors had on display. It was great to see Oriental Motor products and learn more about their brand-new robotics offerings. Paul Bosnyak, an Application Engineer for Oriental Motor, introduced us to their completely new OVR robotics series. This series offers unique opportunities for your industrial automation jobs. Let's review the new OVR robotics series.
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Three-Axis Scara Robot | Four-Axis, Vertically Articulated Robot | Five-Axis, Vertically Articulated Robot | Six-Axis, Vertically Articulated Robot | MRC01 Controller | Stay Tuned For More | Frequently Asked Questions
Key Takeaways
✔️ The OVR Robotics Series by Oriental Motor, launched at AUTOMATE 2024, presents advanced robotic solutions for industrial automation, including Three-Axis Scara, Four-Axis Vertically Articulated, Five-Axis Vertically Articulated Robots, and Six-Axis, Vertically Articulated Roboteach tailored for specific tasks.
✔️ The OVR Robotics Series features the MRC01 Controller, which manages up to seven axes, including one end effector.
✔️ Stay tuned for updates, detailed specs, and insights on the new OVR Robotics Series products. Contact your local sales rep or Airline Hydraulics for more information.
OVR Robotics Series:
All of the OVR robots utilize Oriental Motor's AZ series step servo hybrid motor, which allows them to operate without sensors and batteries. This motor technology blends stepper and servo motors, offering precise control and high torque. The robots have features like control over multiple axes, simple programming, and adjustable speeds.
OVR robots are user-friendly, from beginners to expert programmers. You can easily use the robots through a straightforward app interface, making setup and operation quick and effortless.
Three-Axis Scara Robot
3 Axis SCARA Robot video time stamp 0:12
The first in the OVR lineup, the Three-Axis SCARA Robot, stands out for its low profile and rapid movements, all stemming from using three low backlashes and hollow rotary actuators.
Its use of DG turntables, equipped with cross-roller bearings, is best for handling high radial and axial loads efficiently, ensuring quick and precise movements with a compact footprint.
Four-Axis, Vertically Articulated Robot
4 Axis Vertically Articulated Robot video time stamp 0:29
Elevating the robotics game, Oriental Motor's Four-Axis vertically articulated robot is designed for those seeking extended reach without compromising payload capacity. Its side-by-side link design increases payload capacity and reduces the end-effect robot weight for optimized performance.
Incorporating harmonic gears across three axes and DG turntables enhances precision and minimal backlash, ideal for demanding applications requiring both reach and reliability.
Five-Axis, Vertically Articulated Robot
5 Axis Vertically Articulated Robot video time stamp 0:54
Oriental Motor's Five-Axis vertically articulated robot stands out for its unparalleled flexibility in movement and access to challenging angles. The continued use of a DG turntable in its base, coupled with right-angle gearheads, lends to its slim profile and lightweight design.
The five-axis configuration extends its utility across broader applications, from intricate sensing and imaging tasks to precise pick-and-place operations while maintaining a compact and efficient design.
Six-Axis, Vertically Articulated Robot
Although not featured at AUTOMATE 2024, the Six-Axis Vertically Articulated Robot is a key part of the OVR Series.
Oriental Motor's Six-Axis vertically articulated robot stands out as the "Cadillac" of the OVR series for unparalleled flexibility in movement and access to challenging angles, achieved through the use of the additional wrist axis. Powered by harmonic drives, this robot maintains its lightweight design even with one additional axis.
Ideal for intricate assembly tasks, precise material handling, and complex welding procedures.
MRC01 Controller
MRC01 Controller video time stamp 1:14
The MRC01 Controller is running the show, an impressive piece of technology that can manage up to six axes of robots and includes support for an additional end effector, totaling seven axes. Its software, available for download on Oriental Motor's website, simplifies robot program creation, graphical monitoring, and visualization, making setup a matter of less than 30 minutes. This ease of use, combined with powerful functionality, positions the MRC01 as a critical component in the OVR series ecosystem.
Oriental Motor's launch of the OVR series marks a new chapter in robotics. This isn't just another product; it's a look into a future where robots make our dreams come true with efficiency, precision, and flexibility.
Stay Tuned For More
While these products are brand new and have more detailed information, technical specifications, and additional insights, they will be available shortly. Let the anticipation begin. Those interested in updates or seeking further information on the OVR series should contact your local airline sales representative or contact us.

To discover other Oriental Motor products, including the MRC01 Controller, please visit Airline Hydraulics's website.
Let us know what you think of these products in the comments below, and stay tuned for more exciting products unveiled at AUTOMATE 2024!
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